Tuesday 7 July 2015


Episode 1

Well I think it’s cool and interesting for all those who are into computer programming stuff. But I don’t like the fact that Elliot refers to others with less or no programming skills as moron…. It is awkward that he thinks only good programmers are smart…
Angela's Boyfriend referred to as DUMB by Elliot

He calls his best’s friends boyfriend a dumb ass and Terry Colby, the CTO of E-corp an arrogant moron…hmm the way terry was looking at his screen as if he has not seen a running terminal...CTO of a highly rated tech company...Cchai…there is God ohh!!)

Terry Colby CTO of E-corp 

Back to the tech guy (world saver)...his problem is that he lacks love and his is lonely (his only pal, his father passed away of leukemia and always being nagged by his mother) and he is always frustrated but he overcomes it by snuffing about 30mg of drugs and then hacks into everyone's email and social media known to him.

èWhat about his mother, is she also dead??

But Elliot was awesome when he saved e-corp by overcoming the hack by the fsociety.........

I like what he did to when he broke the relationship between his psychologist and that lying junk, though she was hurt but it was better for her in the long run, also when he exposed the coffee shop owners of his hidden shits online...gosh he is such a popnoser (amebo).

Mr Robot guy played smart and took advantage of the smart ass Elliot, using his story to brain wash him. He wined him to link the hack on e-corp to terry without knowing the full objective.

Policemen ignoring the kidnap
I was thrilled when Elliot was peacefully kidnapped and the policemen turned their back at him, that scene was epic….. What do you guys think will that guy do to Elliot?? 

Watch out for Episode 2

What do you guys thinks about the Movie titled MR ROBOT.

The movie overall is a wonderful movie and I will urge all you tech and non tech guys to watch, you can download it here

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